Thursday, January 14, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr Holiday is Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

By Paul Davis

Soul force

Over physical force

Dignity and discipline

Tackling the injustices

Of bigotry and racism

Tirelessly defending the oppressed

Striving for equality and freedom

Settling for nothing less

Continually giving your all and best

Prayerfully and prophetically

You were divinely blessed

To confront social unrest

Within the black community

Manifest the Negro revolution

A coalition of conscience

Mobilizing numerous protests

Pioneering countless advancements

Birthing a civil rights movement

Affirmative action

By vocalizing your dissatisfaction

With the status quo

Places blacks weren’t allowed to go

Designated places to sit on buses

Segregated public schools and bathrooms

White slave master violence mushroomed

Lynching was the norm

Yet you arose with a fury

Like a God sent storm

Declaring righteousness

Revisiting precious values

Rediscovering moral foundations

From which America had departed

Segregation the adultery of illicit intercourse

Between injustice and immorality

Sadly however most were content

To dwell with it quietly

Like an unchecked cancer gone ugly

Leaving evil alive

Confusing the true with the false

America had given blacks

An uncashed check

The Declaration of Independence

Was without complete enforcement

The bank of justice

Was bankrupt

Brutal treatment

Still existed

Like quicksand

Racial injustice persisted

It was then Dr. King boldly arose

Confronting gross darkness

With God’s sovereign light

To fight the good fight

To make all wrongs right

Laying aside comfort and convenience

Preferring to awake national awareness

Though your challenge brought controversy

All progress is precarious

As the solution to one problem

Brings you face to face with another

In the midst of such struggles

Came forth your sisters and brothers

Transforming neighborhoods

Into brotherhoods

Rejecting revenge, aggression, and retaliation

Holding fast to love’s eternal foundation

Unarmed truth and unconditional love

Marched on

Freedom was spoken and heard in song

A shining star

Martin you burned on

Declaring mankind’s inalienable rights

With all authority

To bring about liberty

Where the battle rages

The loyalty of the soldier

Is tested and proved

Creative extremism

To awake misguided men

Guiding missiles

To civilization’s abrupt end

The time is always right

To do the right thing

He who condones evil

Is guilty like the perpetrator of it

He who remains silent

Endorses those who are violent

Sincere ignorance

And conscientious stupidity

Equally ensure continuous hostility

Self-consumption and worldly cares

Have dulled our national conscience

To the extent we personally don’t care

Insufficient in moral fortitude

We erode from within

Polluted by selfishness and sin

Raising the standard

Was the work of Martin

Speaking the truth in Christ

Without lies or spin

Despite arrests, abuse and bombings

You kept coming back for more

Opening freedom’s door

Setting free a generation

From racial segregation

Bringing about social reformation

And setting the table for unification

Repositioning the focus

Dr. King you did help us

To love ourselves and others

To ask hard questions

And respond with heart answers

Paving a path

To the Promised Land

Where black and white children

Can happily hold hands

Knowing one another

By the content of their character

Rather than the color of their skin


First comes from within

Dr. King you did triumphantly win

Equality for all mankind

A glorious emancipation.

Paul met and spoke with Bernice King, the daughter of Dr King, in California when she was ministering at his home church.

Paul Davis is a problem solver, creative consultant, change master, life coach (relational & professional), and minister.

Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; and God vs. Religion. Paul is a popular worldwide keynote speaker, mediator, and liberator.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. His Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations and reviving nations.

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment. Transcending barriers that divide, Paul's transforms individuals and organizations.

Contact Paul at: 407-967-7553; 407-284-1705


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