Tuesday, February 23, 2010

@RavenSu TV to TIVO - Best Television Today, Feb. 23, 2010

@RavenSu TV to TIVO - Best Television Today

Morning Joe - MSNBC (Mika Brzezinski)

Today Show - NBC (Olympics coverage)

Good Morning America - ABC (Louis Gossett Jr and Filmaker Frank Martin discuss Martin's documentary "For Love of Liberty: The Story of America's Black Patriots"

The View - ABC

The Mo'Nique Show - BET

The Mo'Nique Show - BET (Replay - Ruby Dee, Jazmine Guy, Jackie Joyner-Kerzee)

Wendy Williams - BET

Boys N the Hood - BET

Michael Vick Project - BET

Rick's List - CNN

Rifleman - MeToo TV

Winter Olympics - NBC (Women's figure skating, Men's Alpine Skiing))

Winter Olympics - MSNBC, CNBC, USA

American Idol - FOX

Murder in Black and White (part 2 of 4) - TVONE

Cleopatra Jones - TVONE

The Twilight Zone - MeToo TV

NBA: LA Lakers at Memphis - NBATV

Colbert Report - Comedy Central

Brick City 103 - Black History Month
Civil Rights Movement - Black History Month
Supermodel Strut - Black History Month

Check local listings for times and channels in your area

Any more viewing options? Send me a suggestion.